We offer products of established manufacturers or specially designed and manufactured ones, depending on the specific need:
- Non-linear junction detectors NLJD
- Spectrum analyzers
- Wire line analyzers
- Portable radio detectors
- Combined devices
- Signal blockers and noise generators
- Instruments for nondestructive inspection
- Detection of video cameras
- TEMPEST equipment
- Devices for audio and video recording
- Anti-terrorism equipment
- GPS equipment
- Office safes
- Reinforced safes
- Fireproof safes
Combined Protection Safes
- Combined Protection Safes- class S2 burglary protection, 30 min. fire-resistance
- Combined Protection Safes- class S2 burglary protection, 60 min. fire-resistance
- Combined Protection Safes- class I burglary protection, 30 min. fire-resistance
- Combined Protection Safes- class I burglary protection, 60 min. fire-resistance
- Wall Safes
- Hotel safes
- Gun safes
- Deposit Safes
- Safe deposit boxes
- Class S2 safes EN 14450
- Class I safes EN 1143-1
- Class II safes EN 1143-1
- Class III safes EN 1143-1
- Class IV safes EN 1143-1
- Class V safes EN 1143-1
- Metal Furniture and doors
- Dosimeters
- Shielding / Screening
- Withdraw protection
- RFID protection
- UV disinfection equipment
Profisec Cryptor
Information protection
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Simulator Profisec Shoot
Price list
"Security has to be paid, for the lack of it – to settle."